BHL Notes



OpenFOAM: Sampling and Monitoring Data

There are a set of general post-processing functions for sampling data across the domain for graphs and visualization. In this article, we use the lid-driven cavity case set up in the tutorial to demonstrate these post-processing functions.

Probing data

When we want to get the time series data of the fields on certain point locations, the functions boundaryCloud, internalCloud, and probes can help us. All functions work on the basis that the user provides some point locations and a list of fields, and the function writes out values of the fields on those locations in each time interval.

We use the method mention in the previous post to include the functions. The configuration is started by adding the #includeFunc directive to functions in the controlDict file.

    #includeFunc  probes 
    ...  other function objects here ...  

The probes function is configured by copying the file to the local system directory using foamGet.

foamGet probes

Let’s say we want to obtain the pressure and velocity value on certain locations, then specify the locations we need in probeLocations in the probes file as follows.

#includeEtc "caseDicts/postProcessing/probes/probes.cfg"

fields (p U);
    (0 0 0) // point 1
    (0 0.5 0) // point 2 ...

When the simulation is running, time-value data is written into p and U files in postProcessing/probes/0.

Time-Value Data
Time-Value Data

The pressure data record by probes function.

Sampling line data

The singleGraph function samples data from a line defined by the user. Again, we add the #includeFunc directive to functions in the controlDict file.

    #includeFunc  singleGraph 
    ...  other function objects here ...  

Copy the configuration file of the singleGraph function using foamGet.

foamGet singleGraph

In the configuration file we can specify:

  • The start and end points of the line where data is sampled.
  • The fields need to be sampled.
  • The type of sampling.

In the configuration below, the singleGraph function will extract velocity and pressure data from the 100 uniform distributed data points on the line. During the simulation, distance-value data is written into files in time directories within postProcessing/singleGraph.

start   (0.05 0 0);
end     (0.05 0.1 0);
fields  (U p);

// Sampling and I/O settings
#includeEtc "caseDicts/postProcessing/graphs/sampleDict.cfg"

// Override settings here, e.g.
    type    lineUniform; // lineCell, lineCellFace
    axis    distance;    // x, y, z, xyz
    nPoints 100;

// Must be last entry
#includeEtc "caseDicts/postProcessing/graphs/graph.cfg"

We can quickly display the data for x-component of velocity, last time (0.5 in my case), by running gnuplot with the following commands.

gnuplot> set style data linespoints 
gnuplot> plot "postProcessing/singleGraph/0.5/line_U.xy" u 2:1

Velocity along the line
Velocity-x Along the Line

The x-component of velocity along the line.

Sampling surface data

The surfaces functions can be used to generate files for visualization. First, add the #includeFunc directive to functions in the controlDict file.

    #includeFunc  surfaces 
    ...  other function objects here ...  

The target surface can be specified by cutting plane, isosurface, patch surface. The surfaces function is configured by copying the surfaces file to the system directory using foamGet.

foamGet surfaces

In this demonstration, we specify the target surface by cutting plane which the base point and normal vector should be edited.

#includeEtc "caseDicts/postProcessing/visualization/surfaces.cfg"

fields       (p U);

            basePoint    (0.05 0.05 0); // Overrides default basePoint (0 0 0)
            normalVector $z;      // $z: macro for (0 0 1)


Then surfaces function produces VTK format files of the cutting plane with pressure and velocity data in time directories in the the postProcessing/surfaces directory. The user can display the cutting plane by opening these VTK files in ParaView (type paraview).

Visualization of Velocity Data
Visualization of Velocity Data

Visualization of velocity data from VTK file.

Live monitoring of data

To monitor the data during the simulation, the user should then run foamMonitor the terminal. If the command is executed before the simulation is complete, then we can see the graph being updated live.

Firstly, include the residuals function in the controlDict file.

        #includeFunc  residuals 
        ...  other function objects here ...  

The default fields whose residuals are captured are p and U. If we wish to get other fields, we should either make copy the residuals file in their system and edit the fields entry (method 1) or define the arguments to the residuals function in the controlDict file (method 2). Here, we use the method 1. The residuals file can then be copied into the system directory conveniently using foamGet:

foamGet residuals

It is advisable to delete the postProcessing directory to avoid duplicate files for each function. The user can delete the directory, then run simulation in the background.

rm -rf postProcessing
icoFoam > log &

Then run foamMonitor before the simulation is complete.

foamMonitor -l postProcessing/residuals/0/residuals.dat


The graph being updated live.

  • Reference:
  1. Examples of how to use some utilities and functionObjects
  2. Tutorial of how to plot residuals !
  3. OpenFOAM : Graphs and Monitoring